Substance, Houdini bubblepins Substance, Houdini bubblepins

Shoes Base Mesh

I recently came across this blog post on Substance Magazine about footwear design using Substance Painter. This got me fired up and inspired to try this workflow out for apparel and CG. Houdini’s Vellum Drape node is awesome for creating clothing and simulating it action, which got me thinking what awesome animation could come out of all this if combined forces with Substance Painter.

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Houdini bubblepins Houdini bubblepins

Camera Tracking Position Correction in Houdini

There’s a correction I need to do for a tutorial video I posted. In the video, “Camera Tracking Objects by Translation Position” at 14:17 to 15:13 on the timeline I made a mistake in editing. I am trying to demonstrate how to adjust the Camera position in the SOP Level, but I mistakenly put the transform node in the wrong place in the network.

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Houdini bubblepins Houdini bubblepins

Introduction to Crowds in Houdini

The Crowd tools in Houdini is optimized very well. The 3D animated characters used in the Crowd system are known as Crowd Agents in Houdini. Houdini bakes the animations and a name is assigned to the animation for the corresponding agent. This makes it easy to attach several animations to one rigged character.

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