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Models for 3D Printing
Oliver Teddy Bear Family (3D Printed Teddy Bears)
Oliver is a Teddy bear character that I designed in ZBrush as an experiment to see if I could print small desk ornaments because my desk was looking quite bare.
Please feel free to download and 3D print them out so your desk can have more Oliver on it! If you can send me some pictures of your printed Oliver on your desk!
More coming soon! Still in the process of uploading the rest of the models. Also designing more Oliver characters.
Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes sees every detail through his magnify glass and observes every little thing you do on your desk.
Oliver has his eye on you!
Detective Oliver
Nothing goes by Detective Oliver without him knowing. His skills of observation are as strong as his appetite for snacks. Nothing can be too complex for him. His greatest tool is his Teddy mind.
Oliver & His YUMMY Candy
Oliver hasn't seen a snack he doesn't like yet. Eating is probably his favorite hobby. He gets very curious and likes to try different things, even if it means regreting it afterwards.
“meh” Oliver Pose
He gets over-confident sometimes and is overflows with self-esteem. So sometimes he'll give you this disbelief look on his Teddy face that reads, "REALLY ???"
Oliver Reading the Newspaper
Oliver works hard, studys hard, and reads more than any other Teddy Bear in town. He will accompany you through those late nights at work or all-nighters you pull the day before the deadline. Having him around means you can start burning that mid-night oil.
Oliver Wants a Huge
He is friendly and over welcoming. With his irresistible Teddy Bear smile, how could you not give him a hug? Oliver sits on your desk and remembers you to smile everyday.
Oliver Reaching for the Stars
When Oliver gets that snack craving, it's hard to resist. No matter what the challenges are ahead, he will conquer all odds and reach high above. The rewards are just so worth it!