Procedural Animation, Driving Mesh Animations without Rigging!

flapping remap to mesh2_THUMB.gif

This posts continues off from my previous pages as I continue my journey through procedural animation. I finally managed to remap the low poly 2 lines flapping wings that I started out with and remapped that procedural animated motion to a simple bird mesh. This is a simple test as a proof of concept that I could develop a simple tool to procedurally animate character meshes without the need of a rig!



flapping remap to wireframe mesh2_COMPACT.gif

I need to fix up my prototype so it’s more procedural, because right now I got nodes that manually eye balls certain values using the interactive 3D viewport. I’m hoping to make this more procedural and flexible so it’ll be super useful to use in my simulations.



flapping remap to mesh2_COMPACT.gif

The idea is to be able to plug a mesh into the tool and pick a procedural animation that was pre-scripted ahead of time and be able to get quick animations with any 3D model.


Houdini UI Tips! Transform Node vs Edit Node


Procedural Animation, from Wings to Legs!