SDF used to Deform Geometry

Building upon that collision detection, we can also use the SDF to deform the object upon the collision. Using the SDF value and some math, the grid can be deformed to create footprints stamped on by the Torus.

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SDF (Signed Distance Field) used to Detect Overlapping Objects

SDF is short for signed distance field and describes the interior volume of an object. How thick an object is from the middle to the surface? How deep does the cylinder extend? From any point inside an object, using the SDF, it is possible to easily grab the distance to the surface of the object in order to know the depth.

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Modeling Thickness & Hollow Interior using Procedural Workflow in Houdini

I demonstrate how to use a procedural workflow to create a bottle geometry from scratch. This project finishes off from the previous project and makes it more complete by hollowing out the interior of the bottle geometry and adds thickness to the edges. And also still using a procedural workflow.

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Procedural Modeling in Houdini

Procedural Modeling has infinite possible ways of doing things, and the way Houdini does its point number assignment makes it very convenient to write VEX code to automate things. Using VEX into your procedural modeling workflow is a huge advantage.

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Manipulate Height Fields with Volume VOP's in Houdini

Volume VOP’s (visual operators) are extremely powerful! Volume VOP’s like any other VOP nodes in Houdini is multi-threaded and all operations are run in parallel utilizing all the cores in your computer. Fast and flexible, who could ask for more?

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Building Terrain with Height Fields in Houdini

Houdini’s Seamless Integration with Height Fields. The Height Fields fit in very nicely with the rest of Houdini’s infamous simulation tools. I can create a random test terrain within a minute and then use it for fracturing in a destruction simulation right away.

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SideFX Siggraph 2019

SideFX’s Siggraph 2019 presentation was held in Los Angela’s on July 30, this past Tuesday at the time of writing this. SideFX announced Solaris to the public and mentioned many impressive updates that out coming out to Houdini in the upcoming release. In Houdini 18, we’re going to get a new context window that will take advantage of USD (Universal Scene Description) and a new CPU renderer named Karma replacing Mantra.

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