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∞ Possibilities
Taking imagination to a new level.
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Membership Guide
For New Members, I created a guide that will help introduce you to the Bubblepins Membership program so you won’t get lost! The workflow is to pick a topic you like in Houdini and just dig into it! I have created a lot of teaser videos to help you decide which topic to start off with.
Visual Effects
Let your imagination go.
Houdini and Blender have become my main tools in digital 3D creations. I have a Youtube channel where I post a lot of Houdini tutorials at the moment. They are mostly beginner tutorials right now, but I hope to build up on this to advanced tutorials where I can demonstrate more on VEX and CVEX in Houdini.
Give life to your creations.
Welcome to my domain.
I have an obsession over 3D creations whether if they are digital or physical.
Teddy Bear reading a Newspaper I created in zBrush
3D Fabrication and 3D printers are an obsessive hobby for me, which brought me to zBrush. zBrush is a digital sculpting software that aids artisans in creating 3D sculptures, characters, and props. The brushes in zBrush are unspeakably so awesome it sometimes feels like you’re holding a scalpel doing real clay.
Rock with Mushrooms asset from Quixel and Rock & Water is a simple sim created in Blender and Rendered in Cycles
Blender, as we all know is an awesome open source 3D software. I for one, just like many others started my 3D journey in Blender. It helped me get started in 3D applications, however as of late I wanted to do more complex physical simulations and that’s where I discovered Houdini. I hope to learn more about Blender’s code base and maybe cover some videos on coding in Blender for a new channel in the future.
Oliver 3D Printed Teddy Bears
3D Fabricated Toys?
I originally wanted to make toys as part of a passive hobby, but after some research on toy safety and I contacted selective companies that offer safety certifications, I came to the conclusion and discovery that it’s super expensive to produce a toy that is 100% compliant with today’s safety regulations. At first, I was only worried about manufacturing cost, which is actually nothing, thanks to the development of 3D Fabrication and 3D printers. It’s the CPSIA compliance that will frustrate small business owners or wanna-be’s like me. So as you might have guessed, that dream died there. I hope one day I’ll be able to revisit this dream, but for now I’ll have to stick with digital 3D creations.
From Concept to Reality
I truly believe that 3D Fabrication can take part in a more important role in our society. Prototyping is just one example where 3D printers and digital 3D creations are so important to the early steps in product design.
From those infamous napkin ideas and ambitious dreams to countless slavering hours over the never perfect design, and reinventing the rules, fabrication has never been easier.
From Concept to Reality
Digital Fabrication can allow rapid prototyping at speeds never seen before. This makes it possible to fabricate a fully functional product within a day, from concept to creation. R&D (research and development) life-cycles have become disrupted and prototype cost have become insignificant when compared to time saved in developing a finished end-product. Anyone can start developing a physical prototype and have it fabricated within hours depending on the complexity of the project. One can only imagine the possibilities that digital fabrication brings for the professional industry.
The auto industry now employs 3D printers as part of their R&D development life-cycles and Audi has used 3D printed parts in their showroom cars for the rear-view mirror.