Vellum Antennas and Crowd Bug Army on Hamster Wheel Terrain
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The original Live Stream video was very long! I have split the Stream video into 2 parts for Perk 2 Members.
Part 1 Vellum Antennas
The first part of the video covers the Vellum Antenna process and how to use Houdini’s Vellum Solver to create more realistic animations for the Bug character’s Antennas in a walk cycle.
Part 2 Crowd Avoidance
The second part of the video covers the rest of the Stream video on Crowd Avoidance with tips and tricks on how to fix teleporting Crowd Agents that walk beyond the defined terrain in the Crowd Simulation. I also cover tips on how to increase the Avoidance parameter in the Crowd Solver so the agents will avoid each other.
Antenna driven by Vellum
Original Walk Cycle with Static Antenna
The animation on the left has antennas driven by Vellum creating a more realistic walk cycle. The animation on the right has the original walk cycle with static antennas. In this stream session, I’ll demonstrate how to use the Vellum Solver in Houdini to procedurally animate the antennas of the bug character.
Crowd Solver in Houdini using Crowd Avoidance
Bug Army scene using the Crowd simulation system in Houdini utilizing the Crowd Avoidance parameter to avoid each other.
Crowd Agents Terrain Projection in Houdini
Using the Terrain Projection feature in the Crowd Solver, it’s possible to lock the Bug Character Agents onto the Hamster Wheel Terrain. This allows the bug agents to walk upside down and sideways on the terrain.