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Crowds Basic Concept #6D - VEX in Crowd SIM

This is the last video in Concept 6! But there will be more Crowd Simulation Concept videos to come soon! I'm going to take a short break from Crowds just for the next video because Concept #6 took a lot out of me, but I'll be back with Concept 7 very soon! In this video, I finally dive into some simple VEX in Crowds and demonstrate how to do simple calculations during runtime to dynamically guide your Crowd agents. These techniques can be used in your own Crowd scenes in different ways and I hope you'll find the stuff useful in your own projects!

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Crowds Basic Concept #5 - In Place and Locomotive Animations

In this video, I demonstrate how you can fix the origin and pivot point of character animations for Crowd Agents in Houdini. Some animations contain movement data that tells Houdini and the Crowd Solver where the character is moving or when the character stops in place briefly for complex motions, like fighting actions and being hit feedback motions. If Houdini and the Crowd Solver doesn't know about these, it'll just treat it as a constant moving character causes unpredictable results. Here I'll show you how to fix this issue and get more realistic results out of your animations.

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Crowds Basic Concept #4 - Custom Rig and Animations

In this video, I demonstrate how to add custom animations to your character, animations that you either made yourself one keyframe at a time or bought online or downloaded from mixamo. We'll then convert it into a Crowd Agent and you'll get to attach your custom animations to Crowd States and Agents.

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Crowds Basic Concept #3 - Avoidance

How do you prevent Crowd Agents from colliding with each other in a Crowd Simulation in Houdini? The answer is Avoidance! But it doesn’t work the same way as you might think it does with RBD Collisions. In this video lesson, I explore how Avoidance works in Houdini’s Crowd Solver.

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Crowds Basic Concept #1 - Simple Setup

Kickstarting a new Houdini mini-series on Crowds! Create massive scenes with ease using Houdini! You’ll find creating these massive Crowd simulations isn’t as much work as you would expect in comparison to the resulting scene.

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Cross Product Basic Concept #5 Examples!

This post is full of example projects of Crowds, Kine-FX, Vellum, Geometry deformation, and more! All driven by the Cross Product. I wanted to illustrate what the Cross Product can do and show you the power that's in your hand from all the knowledge we learned throughout this whole Cross Product mini-series. I hope you enjoy this video! It has a lot of goodies in it. I especially liked the Kine-FX & Crowds integration. By using the Cross Product I can manipulate the Crowd Agent rigs and interact with the environment.

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Vellum Grains with Crowds

I demonstrate the basics of Houdini’s Vellum Grains simulation and a step by step demonstration of attraction weight, clustering Vellum Constraints, Crowd Agent setup, and dynamically activating Vellum Grains.

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Crowd Simulation with Kine FX Rigged Characters Part 2

Crowds, Ragdolls, Kine FX, RBD Collision! I'm going to build on top of the Kine FX topic and use it to animate the Crowd States in Houdini's Crowd Simulations! I'll be demonstrating how to setup ragdolls and use Crowd Triggers to kickstart the ragdoll state. The most interesting part is probably the RBD collision happening with everything mentioned above!

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Crowd Simulation with Kine FX Rigged Characters Part 1

Crowds, Ragdolls, Kine FX, RBD Collision! I'm going to build on top of the Kine FX topic and use it to animate the Crowd States in Houdini's Crowd Simulations! I'll be demonstrating how to setup ragdolls and use Crowd Triggers to kickstart the ragdoll state. The most interesting part is probably the RBD collision happening with everything mentioned above!

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