Crowd Simulation with Kine FX Rigged Characters Part 1
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Public Live Stream (free)
On the right is the link to the unedited version of the Live Stream video.
Houdini Crowd Simulation with Ragdolls
In this video, I demonstrate how to setup Ragdolls for Crowd Simulations. As shown in the video clip on the right, all the Agents fall down colliding against the collision geometry from the Collision Layer that needs to be configured.
Houdini Crowd Simulation with Ragdoll and No Gravity
Zero Gravity
I came across this effect by accident while I was doing the Live Stream. I ran the Crowd Simulation and didn’t add a gravity node in the dopnet setup. It all resulted in the funny clip on the right.
Houdini Crowd Simulation with Zombies Chasing down a Red Ball
POP Steer Seek
I also add a POP Steer Seek node to make the Agents chase down a red ball that is circling around them. The Red Ball is a plain Static Object and doesn’t have any collision behavior with the Agents.
In the next Live Stream (Part 2), I demonstrate how to add the same red ball as a RBD Object and do different types of collisions with the Agents.