SDF Destruction

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The SDF Destruction Live Stream video was VERY LONG, so I split the Stream video into 3 parts during editing.

Here’s the breakdown:

SDF Basics

In this Stream session, I do a basic demonstration of the value of SDF (signed distance field). And how SDF can be used for denting different types of objects and geometry in Destruction scenes. I do a simple talk and compare SDF Destruction to RBD Destruction and FEM Destruction. The comparison will cover the advantages of each destruction techniques and disadvantages of each.

What is SDF?

When to use SDF?

Why use SDF Destruction when compared to other Destruction techniques?

Using the SDF concepts demonstrated in Part 1 & 2 videos, I demonstrate how to use SDF to dent geometry for simple destruction workflows.


The video on the right is a preview for this Stream session and show you the final result of the scene.


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