KineFX Animation Basic Concept #7B - Intelligent Controls
In this video, I expand on the previous topic and we create intelligent rig controls that reacts to the environment around the rig. This automates a portion of the animation and makes life so much more easier when it comes to animation. This video demonstrates a simple example of a Campass Rig, but I'm hoping this will inspire you to think of different ideas for other rigs to make more complex animations!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #7 Custom Controls
We get to create some more advanced Custom Controls for our rigs in Houdini. We'll use another rig to control our character rig. Imagine the possibilities of this technique! We'll be able to use so many different ways of creating animations. Imagine adding procedural animation on top of all this! It can only get more awesome from here on!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #6 - Procedural Animation
What is Procedural Animation? What makesWhat is Procedural Animation? What makes an animation procedural? In this video, I explore some of the basics that makes an animation procedural and demonstrate how the sine wave can easily bring a character to life through animation! an animation procedural? In this video, I explore some of the basics that makes an animation procedural and demonstrate how the sine wave can easily bring a character to life!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #5B & #5C - Animation Workflow
I use a new character that I've made to show case how to setup the animate and setup the IK Controls utilizing all the Basic Concept videos up until now in this Kine-FX mini-series for Houdini! There's a lot of new tips and tricks within this video that are only available in this video, that will help you rig & animate characters in Houdini using Kine-FX!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #5 - Rotations Inheritance
we'll explore how the Full Body IK node in Houdini is used for quick character animations for long chains of rigged bones. This workflow is especially useful for animating with tails, fingers, ropes, tentacles, or anything that has a long chain of bones.
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #4 - Layering IK Nodes
I go over another technique you can use for Rig Posing with Houdini's KineFX system. By Layering the Full Body IK nodes and organize the rig poses into groups, it will make our Character Posing tasks a lot more efficient. Non-destructive rig posing! We can take this to a new level and tackle some more complex character poses that involves more limbs and requires more adjustments.
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #3B - Rig Posing Workflow
I demonstrate how we can use what has been taught up until now with Houdini's Kine-FX techniques and character rig posing to create a scene where the Octopus grabs onto a balloon. The Kine-FX is combined with some tricks in the viewport and Vellum Simulation to make the wrinkles in the balloon and make our lives easier rather than modeling the wrinkles manually. I hope this will inspire more ideas for future projects of your own!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #2 - IK Controls & Anchor Points
We start digging deeper into Houdini's Kine-FX world by introducing the IK Full Body node. You're going to love this node! It makes character posing so much easier! And if you use the workflow I suggest in the video, you'll find that you don't need any bone remapping at all!
KineFX Animation Basic Concept #1 - Simple Setup
A very super simple introduction for those that have never touched KineFX in Houdini before. This video is meant to be very simple and if you have any experience with KineFX, you should probably skip to the next KineFX Animation Basic Concept #2 IK Controls.
Export Houdini KineFX Rigs & BlendShapes to Blender
I demonstrate how to Export a Houdini KineFX rig into Blender. The KineFX is made from scratch in Houdini and is attached with retargeted animations. It’s all imported into Blender using FBX format, so it’s compact and clean. You’ll get the fully rig exposed in Blender for further tweaking and animations available in the Action Editor inside the DOPE sheet.
Vellum Skinning used to Improve Character Animations
I'll be demonstrating how you can use Vellum Skin, a technique to fix overlaping geometry in character animations. Vellum Skin is an easy technique that can be used to procedural overcome the intersecting geometry and improve results without setting manual keyframes on the rig pose node.
FEM Driven by Kine FX Animations & Mocap
FEM Driven by Kine FX Animations! This FEM scene turned out very nice and I really enjoyed preparing the Plant Eater bite effect. Kine FX rigging and keyframing the mouth opening and close movements was super easy using Rig Pose nodes.