KineFX Animation Basic Concept #2 - IK Controls & Anchor Points


Please remember to download the Erik model from the SideFX Content Library (it's free!):

Download Erik Model here


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Character Rig Posing Examples

I’ve included some examples of what you can do already with what’s been taught through Kine-FX Animation Basic Concepts #1-2. These character poses weren’t easy to create with just the limited techniques, but I wanted to demonstrate this in the HIP Project files for closure. In later Basic Concept videos, I’ll show you more techniques that can be used with Houdini’s Kine-FX system for character posing and the process becomes a lot easier!

If the character poses below are already possible, can you imagine what you can do when we reach the end of this Kine-FX Animation mini-series?

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX

Character Posing in Houdini Kine-FX


KineFX Animation Basic Concept #3 - Priority


KineFX Animation Basic Concept #1 - Simple Setup