houdini bubblepins houdini bubblepins

Crowds Basic Concept #6D - VEX in Crowd SIM

This is the last video in Concept 6! But there will be more Crowd Simulation Concept videos to come soon! I'm going to take a short break from Crowds just for the next video because Concept #6 took a lot out of me, but I'll be back with Concept 7 very soon! In this video, I finally dive into some simple VEX in Crowds and demonstrate how to do simple calculations during runtime to dynamically guide your Crowd agents. These techniques can be used in your own Crowd scenes in different ways and I hope you'll find the stuff useful in your own projects!

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houdini bubblepins houdini bubblepins

KineFX Animation Basic Concept #1 - Simple Setup

A very super simple introduction for those that have never touched KineFX in Houdini before. This video is meant to be very simple and if you have any experience with KineFX, you should probably skip to the next KineFX Animation Basic Concept #2 IK Controls.

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