Happy New Resolutions for 2025!
Happy 2025! New Year means NEW RESOLUTIONS! New Goals! New Hope! A new year bring new opportunities! Recapping 2024 for Bubblepins and all the different projects I worked on in 2024!
Chicken-zilla VS Gorilla-Kong (Godzilla & King Kong inspiration)
My silly version of Godzilla x Kong in Tokyo, but with a Chicken and a Gorilla, lol! I was having some fun with Houdini, Unreal Engine 5, and a banana rig I created using KineFX in Houdini. During the development of the scene, I had a lot of renders generated and in this gallery, you can see some of the stages of development I went through.
My First Taste of Unreal Engine 5 & MetaHumans
Bubblepins finally stepped into the world of Unreal Engine! In this post, I talk about some of the challenges that I faced creating this 10s scene and how Unreal Engine saved me!
Facial Mocap (Motion Capture) with Apple’s iphone
Facial Motion Capture solutions without breaking the bank! Software overview for in house studio setup that are affordable and user friendly.
Epic Games and SideFX Joining Together
Epic Games, the company that built Unreal Engine has become “a minority investor in SideFX”, the creators of Houdini.
Export Height Fields to UE4
This post will go over some tips on how to export the Height Field terrain as an HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) and import it into Unreal Engine as a playable environment or game asset.