Shoes Base Mesh
I recently came across this blog post on Substance Magazine about footwear design using Substance Painter. This got me fired up and inspired to try this workflow out for apparel and CG. Houdini’s Vellum Drape node is awesome for creating clothing and simulating it action, which got me thinking what awesome animation could come out of all this if combined forces with Substance Painter.
Learning Process on the Making of Alien Plateau Terrain
This post is inspired by Andrey Lebrov’s Spring CG Channel that was announced on his Youtube channel. I had always wanted to learn Substance Painter to enhance my Houdini Heightfield terrains. And also solve my UV issues with Heightfields in Houdini.
Terrain Environment Breakdown in Houdini & Substance Workflow
Breakdown of Terrain Generated in Houdini with Heighfields, textured in Substance Painter and Substance Designer for the water material. Thorough step by step process with images along each step. Masking heightfield layers and texturing them in Painter.