Terrain Environment Breakdown in Houdini & Substance Workflow
Breakdown of Terrain Generated in Houdini with Heighfields, textured in Substance Painter and Substance Designer for the water material. Thorough step by step process with images along each step. Masking heightfield layers and texturing them in Painter.
Modeling Thickness & Hollow Interior using Procedural Workflow in Houdini
I demonstrate how to use a procedural workflow to create a bottle geometry from scratch. This project finishes off from the previous project and makes it more complete by hollowing out the interior of the bottle geometry and adds thickness to the edges. And also still using a procedural workflow.
Procedural Modeling in Houdini
Procedural Modeling has infinite possible ways of doing things, and the way Houdini does its point number assignment makes it very convenient to write VEX code to automate things. Using VEX into your procedural modeling workflow is a huge advantage.
Export Height Fields to UE4
This post will go over some tips on how to export the Height Field terrain as an HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) and import it into Unreal Engine as a playable environment or game asset.
Tunnel Building for Height Field Terrains in Houdini
Houdini’s Height Fields provides a simple and fast way of building complex landscape geometry, but what if I wanted to hull out areas in the terrain to make a tunnel? Cave? Secret underground path for a game?