Cross Product Basic Concept #5 Examples!
This post is full of example projects of Crowds, Kine-FX, Vellum, Geometry deformation, and more! All driven by the Cross Product. I wanted to illustrate what the Cross Product can do and show you the power that's in your hand from all the knowledge we learned throughout this whole Cross Product mini-series. I hope you enjoy this video! It has a lot of goodies in it. I especially liked the Kine-FX & Crowds integration. By using the Cross Product I can manipulate the Crowd Agent rigs and interact with the environment.
Cross Product Basic Concept #1
This is more of a re-release of the same Cross Product project that I talked about in a previous Live Stream tutorial on Vellum Paper Tornado. I wasn’t satisfied with my explanation on Cross Product in that video, so I redid only the Cross Product explanations. This will build up to more complex projects I have planned for the near future and we’ll need a good foundation of the Cross Product!
Sine Wave Bookshelf Mini-Series
This is a special for Perk 2 Members-Only mini-series where we look at different procedural modeling techniques, some advanced group selection, and procedural technqiues in Houdini.
Procedural Animation! Overview of Ideas!
I explore different ways of creating Procedural Animation and drive simulations in Houdini. Bouncing, jumping, cyclonic tornados, RBD destruction, smoke debri by Pyro, and much more!