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Cinematic Destruction Basic Concept #1 - RBD Emission

I kickstart a new series on Destruction in Houdini! I begin with RBD emissions, which is a relatively simple way of creating rigid body dynamics and is a very simple simulation to setup. I find that there is so much potential for a huge variety of applications for RBD emission!

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KineFX Animation Basic Concept #7B - Intelligent Controls

In this video, I expand on the previous topic and we create intelligent rig controls that reacts to the environment around the rig. This automates a portion of the animation and makes life so much more easier when it comes to animation. This video demonstrates a simple example of a Campass Rig, but I'm hoping this will inspire you to think of different ideas for other rigs to make more complex animations!

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KineFX Animation Basic Concept #7 Custom Controls

We get to create some more advanced Custom Controls for our rigs in Houdini. We'll use another rig to control our character rig. Imagine the possibilities of this technique! We'll be able to use so many different ways of creating animations. Imagine adding procedural animation on top of all this! It can only get more awesome from here on!

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KineFX Animation Basic Concept #6 - Procedural Animation

What is Procedural Animation? What makesWhat is Procedural Animation? What makes an animation procedural? In this video, I explore some of the basics that makes an animation procedural and demonstrate how the sine wave can easily bring a character to life through animation! an animation procedural? In this video, I explore some of the basics that makes an animation procedural and demonstrate how the sine wave can easily bring a character to life!

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Tornado Motion! Procedural Animation Part 2

I take a deep dive into Tornado motion! I'll explain some of the basic concepts needed to create a Vellum Paper tornado motion in Houdini, all the way down to Cross Products and Volume Velocity (aka. vector fields) that will get fed into different simulations.

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Vellum Skinning used to Improve Character Animations

I'll be demonstrating how you can use Vellum Skin, a technique to fix overlaping geometry in character animations. Vellum Skin is an easy technique that can be used to procedural overcome the intersecting geometry and improve results without setting manual keyframes on the rig pose node.

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FEM Driven by Kine FX Animations & Mocap

FEM Driven by Kine FX Animations! This FEM scene turned out very nice and I really enjoyed preparing the Plant Eater bite effect. Kine FX rigging and keyframing the mouth opening and close movements was super easy using Rig Pose nodes.

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