Ocean Wave Flip SIM & RBD Collision

Download HIP File: HIP Ocean Flip RBD.zip

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Combining Ocean with Flip SIM

Houdini has a bunch of Ocean tools out of the box, but the Ocean tools doesn’t provide any way of solving or simulating collisions with additional static objects or dynamic objects. In this Tip Video and provided HIP file, I demonstrate how to bring in Houdini’s Ocean Waves into a FLIP simulation where it’s possible to collide with the waves. This opens up possibilities to create unlimited amount of Ocean and/or countless water scenes. Ocean beach scene, water tornados, boat ocean scenes with physical FLIP collisions, submarine submerging from the ocean bed, and the last idea that I’ve been working on is an Ocean Tsunami City Destruction scene.

Custom Velocity Field creating a water tornado effect inside a FLIP Fluid dopnet simulation in Houdini

Custom Velocity Field creating a water tornado effect inside a FLIP Fluid dopnet simulation in Houdini

The water tornado on the right was generated in Houdini using a custom velocity field that is applied to a FLIP simulation. The FLIP simulation is driven by Ocean Waves that are fed in as a volume source.


City Destruction

I did a bunch of FLIP fluid tests powered by Ocean Waves destroying a city that was generated by my Procedural City asset.

Next Live Stream

The City Destruction will be covered in the Live Streams that continue off from this Tip Video and take the scene further. I’m planning to cover the sop solver, geometry vop, pop collision detect, pop wrangle, fractured RBD, and glue constraints. All these nodes used inside the DOPNET which will be applied directly to the simulation.


Procedural City Asset v3


Procedural City Asset v2