Intro to Karma Materials for Beginners in Houdini

Perk 2 Members

Download HIP Project: Perk 2 Intro to Karma

Perk 2 Password

Download Karma Material Generator HDA v6 (for PBR Textures): Perk 2 Karma HDA MAT

Perk 2 Password for Material Generator

Download Karma Material Generator HDA: I need a few more days for this one!

Perk 1 Members

Download HIP Project: Perk 1 Intro to Karma

Perk 1 Password

(Sorry the Karma Material Generator HDA is only available for Perk 2 Members.)


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Houdini Node Network setup for Karma Material Blender Texture Images

Houdini Node Network setup for Karma Material Blender Texture Images

Houdini Node Network for BSDF Karma Material

Houdini Node Network for BSDF Karma Material

Houdini Node Network SOPs Castle Hallway

Houdini Node Network SOPs Castle Hallway

Houdini Node Network for SOPs Symbol Design

Houdini Node Network for SOPs Symbol Design

Houdini Solaris Node Network

Houdini Solaris Node Network

Houdini Karma Materials

Houdini Karma Materials

Houdini Node Network setup for SOP's Character Morphing

Houdini Node Network setup for SOP's Character Morphing