houdini bubblepins houdini bubblepins

Water Rendering in Karma

I'll be exploring some of the things I've learned rendering water in Karma and sharing some fun facts with MaterialX (mtlx) & VEX shaders in Houdini. I'll also go over the Chicken rig found on SideFX's Content Library just for fun. This will be a casual live stream and a bit of a teaser for the upcoming long form video on rendering water in Karma that I'm currently still preparing.

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houdini bubblepins houdini bubblepins

Intro to Karma Materials for Beginners in Houdini

Diving into the meat of Karma and creating different types of materials. I go over the basics of Karma materials and how to setup easy PBR texture materials to get you the photorealistic results quickly using textures! I'll also go over how to setup BSDF materials in Karma and volumetrics.

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Intro to Karma and Solaris in Houdini

I finally got into Karma and it's really fast! The only thing that was ever holding me back from learning Karma was I didn't understand how Solaris worked, but I finally got over that and it feels great! It's so sweet to create things in Houdini and just render it out in the same application. I don't need the hassle of exporting the geometry to another app and debug all those exporting issues. And after doing a lot of test scenes with Karma, I am very impressed! Everything looks really good!

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