Getting into Unreal Engine 5 with Houdini - Technical VS Artistic Choices
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Houdini Technical Details VS Artistic Decisions in UE5
In the intro of my previous video post, I demonstrated several Unreal Engine 5 sample projects that were all free! With the exception of 2 of them, which I didn’t know at the time of recording, because when I got it free during the monthly specials. Every month Epic Games gives away free High Quality assets from their marketplace, but it’s a limited time, they switch it out for new free assets on a monthly basis. Hopefully this convinces you that Unreal Engine is really awesome, but here comes the golden question, where does Houdini fit in?
Houdini Node Network for Roof Tile Generator HDA
How can Houdini be used in Unreal Engine 5?
Houdini is very powerful, it’s proceduralism and non-destructive workflow is unparalleled in the 3D market. You won’t find another application like it, at least not at Houdini’s level. But Unreal is awesome too. Why don’t we use both together! Houdini is great for technical artists for building 3D tools and since Epic Games has invested into the SideFX company, they have improved the Houdini Engine and you can run HDA’s inside of Unreal Engine 5!
The tools we build in Houdini now have access to materials and selective attributes in Unreal Engine. The way this is designed works very well, because the HDA hides all the technical details from when you’re using Unreal. This allows the 3D artist to focus on the artistic side of setting up environments or focus on the story of the scene. That way you won’t be side-tracked by all the technicalities in developing the HDA. You will only see the exposed parameters of the HDA in Unreal Engine.
In my video post, I demonstrate how this workflow can be essential in creating your scene. Creativity is hard to come by and sometimes it can be frustrating when you have this awesome idea, but you keep getting distracted by small technical things.
Houdini Node Network for Haunted House Generator HDA
Houdini Node Network for Roof Generator HDA