Character Generator HDA (Body Generator) Ver 1

Download Body Generator HDA: Character Generator

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To complete the whole Character Animation workflow, I created a Character Generator HDA that procedurally generates the Body mesh of a simple character. This is still in the works and will go through iterations of development, so expect some more updates!

Version 1

For this version 1 of the Character Generator HDA, it creates simple body shapes that can be used for proof of concept as of currently. I have integrated the Character Generator HDA with my new set of Clothing Generators HDA to speed up workflow.

Head Generator HDA

Head integrated with Character Generator HDA in Houdini

Head integrated with Character Generator HDA in Houdini

This Character Generator HDA only creates a simplified version of a character and the purpose is only to get the shape of the body build and therefore the head is only represented by 2 simple spheres. If you drop down the Head Generator HDA node from my previous release and connect it with the Character Generator HDA, it’ll replace the head and combine both the Head and Body of both.


Bulky Character created by Bubblepins’ Character Generator HDA

Bulky Character created by Bubblepins’ Character Generator HDA

I currently have 2 presets available for the Character Generator HDA. Presets is the same Character Generator node, but with different parameter values predefined to create the described character in the title. For example, the “Character Generator Short Bulky” node creates a short and bulky character using the same Character Generator node with predefined parameters.

Stick Person Character created by Bubblepins’ Character Generator HDA

Stick Person Character created by Bubblepins’ Character Generator HDA

The other preset is the “Character Generator Stick person” node which creates a stick person like character that’s skinny and tall.


Clothing Generators Ver 1 & Updated Vest Generator HDA for Houdini


Lip Sync Tools (Facial Deformer HDA v3)