Learning Process on the Making of Alien Plateau Terrain
This post is inspired by Andrey Lebrov’s Spring CG Channel that was announced on his Youtube channel. I had always wanted to learn Substance Painter to enhance my Houdini Heightfield terrains. And also solve my UV issues with Heightfields in Houdini.
Houdini Expressions & Functions
Houdini expressions are functions available to help you calculate values in the parameters of the nodes. You may have seen $HIPNAME which returns the name of the current hip file. Or the centroid one that I use most often for procedural modeling, $CEX $CEY $CEZ, which returns the centroid vector component.
Output Terrain Texture Maps (Houdini Height Fields)
How to generate texture maps for terrains generated from Height Fields in Houdini
Export Height Fields to UE4
This post will go over some tips on how to export the Height Field terrain as an HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) and import it into Unreal Engine as a playable environment or game asset.
Building Terrain with Height Fields in Houdini
Houdini’s Seamless Integration with Height Fields. The Height Fields fit in very nicely with the rest of Houdini’s infamous simulation tools. I can create a random test terrain within a minute and then use it for fracturing in a destruction simulation right away.