FEM Destruction
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RBD Destruction vs FEM Destruction
Using FEM simulation to destroy a car & faking the FEM interaction with RBD. Here I go over RBD vs FEM destruction and compare between the different techniques for used for destruction. What FEM Destruction can destroy and cannot break apart? When to use FEM for destruction?
Unexpected Results with FEM Destruction
FEM Destruction made in Houdini using what I refer to as the “sponge back” effect
FEM is best suited for organic muscle like materials like the human tissue and human body muscles. I often find myself curious enough to do things a bit differently just to see what happens. I refer to the animation you see on the right as the “sponge back” effect.
“Sponge Back” Effect
Using this “sponge back” effect on different geometry for destruction purposes created very awesome clips! Unexpected funny results! Who would have thought a car could bounce back like that?