Clothing Generators Ver 2 Updated for 3rd Party Mesh

*Please download the Eric model from SideFX’s Content Library! I use this model as an example HIP to demonstrate how to use the Clothing Generators HDA!

Clothing Generators HDA for Houdini

Clothing Generators HDA for Houdini

Perk 2

Download HDA & HIP (Perk 2): MEMBERS Clothing Generators v2 (Perk 2 Only).zip

Perk 2 Password

The Clothing Generators HDA v2 & example HIP (Perk 2 Only) are password protected and exclusive to Perk 2 Members-Only. Please go to this Youtube Community Tab post link to get the password.

Clothing Generators HDA for Houdini

Clothing Generators HDA for Houdini

Perk 1

Download HDA & HIP (Perk 1): MEMBERS Clothing Generators v2 (Perk 1 Only).zip

Perk 1 Password

The Clothing Generators HDA v2 & example HIP (Perk 1 Only) are password protected and exclusive to Perk 1 Members-Only. Please go to this Youtube Community Tab post link to get the password.


More Updates!

I added additional updates after the previous Pop Up Live Stream on Creating Clothing for Reallusion Characters! Please expect another Live Stream to air soon, which will explain all the updates I’ve made so far. If you want a quick review of the updates, please scroll down and read the short descriptions below.

Most of the changes so far are made to support 3rd party character meshes in the Generators and this means you can use my HDA to create clothing for character assets that you have downloaded from other places. In the previous Live Stream, I use Reallusion’s Character Creator 3 mesh and demonstrate how you can use my HDA to create clothing for the Reallusion character.

But as I’ve mentioned, I added even more updates after the live stream, so I’ll be hosting another Live Stream soon!

Live Stream is Age-Restricted

There is a small portion of the Live Stream where I demonstrate the Reallusion CC3 application and displays the character unclothed. This is the reason why I needed to slap a age-restriction on the video. We create the clothing in Houdini, so it’s necessary to have the Reallusion character to be unclothed to begin with.

Creating Long Sleeve Shirt in Houdini using Vellum

Creating Long Sleeve Shirt in Houdini using Vellum

New Parameter for Sleeve Length

In this Live Stream, I forgot to mention I added a new parameter for the long sleeve shirt generator. The HDA needs to know how long the character’s arms are.

Creating Clothing in Houdini using Vellum

Creating Clothing in Houdini using Vellum

Collision Geometry Accuracy

I added a new parameter to adjust the collision geometry for the embedded Vellum Drape simulation. This is purely to increase the accuracy of the collision geometry so the clothing patches doesn’t overlap into the character mesh.

After doing a bit more testing, I realized that the characters may come in different sizes and the default voxel size I used for the collision geometry wasn’t suitable for all cases. I have now exposed this parameter out and you can adjust the accuracy to fit your character.

Creating Pants in Houdini using Vellum

Creating Pants in Houdini using Vellum

Pants Generator & Hip Attachments

The Pants Generator is a little more complex compared to the other clothing generators, because it has an attachment constraint to ensure the pants would stay in place as the embedded Vellum Drape node sews it all together. Sometimes you may want the pants pulled up higher or lower or sometimes the capture area of the attachment is too wide.

I’ve exposed some parameters to allow you to adjust the capture area of the attachment to ensure a more accurate result. This will help in pin pointing the area to attach the pants to, which is usually the hip area, but now that these parameters are exposed, you can put it anywhere you want.


T-Pose Requirement

I had forgot to mention in the previous Live Stream, that the character need to be in a T-pose for the whole thing to work. I couldn’t procedurally figure out the seam lines when the character is in an A-pose, so this will be a limitation that will stick around.