Crowds Basic Concept #6C - Target Selective Agents
In this video, I'm going to demonstrate how you can target specific agents in the Crowd SIM in Houdini and apply specific Crowd Triggers for full control! We'll organize the agents and give them unique attributes to be used in the Crowd SIM.
Crowds Basic Concept #6A - Crowd Triggers
In this video, I demonstrate how to setup Crowd Triggers in Houdini using the Animation States that were shown in previous videos.
Crowds Basic Concept #5 - In Place and Locomotive Animations
In this video, I demonstrate how you can fix the origin and pivot point of character animations for Crowd Agents in Houdini. Some animations contain movement data that tells Houdini and the Crowd Solver where the character is moving or when the character stops in place briefly for complex motions, like fighting actions and being hit feedback motions. If Houdini and the Crowd Solver doesn't know about these, it'll just treat it as a constant moving character causes unpredictable results. Here I'll show you how to fix this issue and get more realistic results out of your animations.
Crowds Basic Concept #4 - Custom Rig and Animations
In this video, I demonstrate how to add custom animations to your character, animations that you either made yourself one keyframe at a time or bought online or downloaded from mixamo. We'll then convert it into a Crowd Agent and you'll get to attach your custom animations to Crowd States and Agents.