Crowds Basic Concept #6D - VEX in Crowd SIM
This is the last video in Concept 6! But there will be more Crowd Simulation Concept videos to come soon! I'm going to take a short break from Crowds just for the next video because Concept #6 took a lot out of me, but I'll be back with Concept 7 very soon! In this video, I finally dive into some simple VEX in Crowds and demonstrate how to do simple calculations during runtime to dynamically guide your Crowd agents. These techniques can be used in your own Crowd scenes in different ways and I hope you'll find the stuff useful in your own projects!
Crowds Basic Concept #6C - Target Selective Agents
In this video, I'm going to demonstrate how you can target specific agents in the Crowd SIM in Houdini and apply specific Crowd Triggers for full control! We'll organize the agents and give them unique attributes to be used in the Crowd SIM.
Crowds Basic Concept #6B - More Crowd Triggers
In this video, I continue on from the previous Crowd Basic Concept #6A on Crowd Triggers. I'll be adding more Crowd Triggers and explaining how to set them up and how each trigger affects neighboring triggers.
Crowds Basic Concept #2 - Character States & Animations
Adding animations to the characters in the Crowd simulation in Houdini really makes a scene come alive. You can easily create large scenes with Crowds making for a very busy and urban look.
Crowds Basic Concept #1 - Simple Setup
Kickstarting a new Houdini mini-series on Crowds! Create massive scenes with ease using Houdini! You’ll find creating these massive Crowd simulations isn’t as much work as you would expect in comparison to the resulting scene.